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EU defines the rules for data economy – secure your company's data sharing solutions

The regulatory jungle of data distribution is increasing

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force since 2018. The EU is building and regulating the data-driven economy more and more in the future and aims to implement a large additional body of regulation, which includes Digital Markets Act, Digital Services Act, Data Governance Act, Data Act and Artificial Intelligence Act. The purpose is to create a functioning internal market for data in the EU region.

It is especially worth noting the following aspects of future reforms:

📝 Data Governance Act (DGA) facilitates the movement of data between the public and private sectors by creating an administrative framework for the safe sharing of data.

📱 Digital Services Act (DSA) renews the obligations and responsibilities of e-commerce and intermediary services, such as social media platforms, throughout the internal market. It brings obligations that increase according to size and role for companies.

🤖 Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) creates a risk-based legislative framework for artificial intelligence and completely prohibits the use of some artificial intelligence software.

🔏 Data Act (DA) is comparable in importance to the GDPR. This regulation applies to all data (not just personal data). Its purpose is to facilitate access to data and data sharing.

Agens International and digital meeting rooms – a secure solution to regulatory compliance for sharing data

Agens has developed a digital, GDPR-safe negotiation space suitable for extensive international use, as well as an editing and presentation tool that can be used in all languages ​​and together with the most popular remote meeting applications. You have all your documents in one place, and each meeting space is created individually and deleted when the process is finished. In this way, you shift the sharing of the most important data outside of e-mails.

Areas of use of Agens International:

  • Board meetings

  • General meetings

  • Customer meetings

  • Sales and procurement meetings

  • Personnel matters and employment contracts

  • Internal company remote meetings

  • Project meetings

  • Remote meetings between lawyer and client

Prepare to master the upcoming regulatory jungle and get Agens International by contacting:

Seppo Parviainen

YouTube demo video in 8 minutes:



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